How do we help our children thru Divorce?
- Encourage open communication, allowing your child to ask questions and helping him or her to express feelings fully and appropriately.
- As much as possible, preserve the continuity of the relationship between the child and each parent, so that both parents remain involved in the child’s academic, social, extracurricular, and emotional lives.
- Provide a consistent and healthy daily routine in the child’s home or homes, regardless of the parenting schedule that has been set up.
- Parents need to minimize changes that result from your divorce, the better your child will be able to cope with the changes that are required. Familiar settings and things provide an anchor of security, just as predictable rules and routines do. Encourage your child to take important objects between homes, and focus on solutions rather than blame when needed items are forgotten, Remember, your child’s special things should be with your child, and when children are young it is the parents job to make sure that teddy bears, schoolwork, and athletic equipment are there when they are needed.
Helping Parents help their children thru the divorce process:
Books to read for Parents:
Helping your kids cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way, Gary Neuman author. This book is based on the program mandated in family courts nationwide.
Books for Children:
The most Important Thing- Rhonda Roth
My family’s Changing – Pat Thomas (young children)
A Safe Place to Live- Michelle A. Harrison- for children who have experienced Domestic Violence.
Goodbye Daddy- Brigitte Weninger-Alan Marks
My Stick Family- Natalie June Reilly
I don’t want to talk about it- Jeanie Franz Ranson
Two Homes-Claire Masurel